Tuesday, April 1, 2014


This article is for our husbands. In this month of April 2014, I want to celebrate many more happy marriages and I want the men to make it happen. I've been talking to women a lot so this month I will be focusing more on the men folk with lots of articles telling them who we are, what we want and what we stand for. Below are 99 ways for you to show us some love and appreciation. I want our husbands to adopt a minimum of 5 tips. Good luck guys.

1. LEAVE A CHOCOLATE BOX FOR HER TO FIND: Buy a pretty box of chocolates. Leave them in her car or some other place that she's sure to find them. Tuck a little "I love you" note inside to increase the effect.

2. DON'T TEASE HER FOR PRIMPING: She wants to look nice for you! If you constantly go on about how much time she spends on her hair or manicures, she may take it that you don't appreciate her femininity or her effort to look pretty. Let her know she's beautiful when she fixes herself up.

3. KISS HER FOR AT LEAST 6 SECONDS: Forget the little peck on your way out the door in the morning. Give her a kiss that will stay with her all day! Kissing for at least six seconds doesn't take that long but it makes for a much more meaningful kiss.

4. HOLD HANDS Wives feel special when their husbands reach over and take their hand. It's just a simple gesture, but it goes a long way.

5. MAIL HER A LETTER: E-mail has its place, but for a woman, getting a letter in the mailbox addressed to her from her hubby...well now, that's just too romantic!

6. LEAVE HER A TIP: You'll leave the waitress a tip, but what about the lady who is there to wait on you 24/7? Surprise her as she clears the supper table; leave her a few nairas to show your appreciation.

7. REENACT YOUR FIRST DATE: Tell your wife that you're taking her out. Tell her that you think it would be fun to do everything just like you did on your first date then try to reenact it! The bonus is that you won't have to take her home to her father, you can take her home with you!

8. DEDICATE A SONG TO HER: Call her favouritel radio station and have them to play a song for your sweetie! Tell them why you love her and her name, and have them to repeat it over the air!

9. COMMUNICATE WITH HER: Your wife wants in on your life. Tell her about your day or even your hopes and dreams for the future. Talk about the kids, or whatever happens to come to mind. Just communicate!

10. WHISPER IN HER EAR: Get close to your wife and whisper those sweet words of love in her ear. Try whispering something about your private love life in the middle of a public place and watch her blush!

11. HAVE FLOWERS DELIVERED TO HER: This is so unNigerian but we are beginning to love flowers so take some time out of your lunch break to swing by the flower shop. Have the florist deliver her flowers to your home or at her place of work, or deliver them yourself!

12. PUT YOUR ARM AROUND HER: Put your arm around your wife while she's sitting next to you or while walking side by side.

13. CARESS HER: Gently caress your wife's hair with your hand or her face with your lips. She loves to feel your touch.

14. PRIASE HER IN FRONT OF OTHERS: Let your wife hear you brag on her while you're talking to others. She may blush or say something back, but secretly she's feeling proud that you're her man.

15. PRAISE HER TO HER FACE: Tell your wife that you appreciate all that she does and the love that she shows to you.

16. TAKE HER ON A SURPRISE DATE: Secretly arrange for someone to watch your children, if you have them, then surprise your wife by taking her out for a night that she'll not soon forget!

17. SAY YOU'RE SORRY: You're not too macho to say, "I'm sorry" if you're in the wrong. In fact you'll be a much bigger man if you do.

18. LEAVE THE STRESS OF WORK AT WORK: I'm not saying that you can't talk to your wife about your job or the things that bother you. I'm saying that if you've had a bad day, don't take it out on your wife and family. It's easy to be grumpy after a long day of work. Don't snap at the people who love you. If you need to vent your frustrations, talk them out with your wife. She'll be glad to lend an ear if you need to talk.

19. DON'T HIDE ANYTHING FROM YOUR WIFE: Be open and honest with your wife about everything. Keep an open line of communication between the two of you at all times. Keeping things from her, even small things, can hurt a relationship. If she should find out from another source, she would feel hurt and disappointed that you didn't feel like you could share with her. This could ultimately damage her trust in you as well.

20. TAKE CARE OF THE CARS: Make sure that your vehicles are in tip top shape at all times so your wife isn't left stranded. Don't expect her to go to the dirty garages to get the oil changed and repairs done, do them yourself, or take them in for her.

21. COMPLIMENT HER: Everyone needs a compliment now and then, but many wives need a little extra reassurance to make sure that she's still special in your eyes. A compliment won't cost you anything, but for your wife, it could be priceless!

22. BUY HER A FEMININE GIFT: Buy your wife a gift that will make her feel feminine, like her favorite perfume, or a pretty night gown.

23. DON'T FORGET SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Put it on your phone schedule, hang a calendar in your vehicle, do what you must, but DON'T forget your anniversary, her birthday, or Valentine's Day!

24. ALWAYS KISS HER GOODNIGHT: Never even close your eyes at night until you've kissed your wife goodnight. (For at least 6 seconds).

25. FINISH HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Too many times husbands work so hard all week that they don't feel like keeping up the repairs at home. This is understandable, but remember, it often makes your wife's work harder too. If you could work on things for just awhile, and aim to finish at least one project per month, it could make your whole household run smoother.

26. DON'T BE NEGATIVE: Don't go around griping or nitpicking the things your wife does or don't do. Try to be more pleasant. Look on the positive side of things. When your negative, it makes everything look worse than it really is.

27. TAKE A SHOWER TOGETHER: Here's a way to get clean and have fun at the same time! Jump in the shower, mesh together, and do a lot of kissing! Be sensitive if your wife feels insecure, and make sure that you reassure her often.

28. SHOW PATIENCE DURING HORMONAL TIMES: If your wife gets a little hard to live with during certain times of the month, be patient. This is especially important too if she's pregnant or a new mother. She can't control her emotions very well during these times, and will need your support.

29. ADMIT IT WHEN YOU'RE WRONG: If you are in the wrong, admit it. Don't pass it off like it's no big deal, or make excuses for yourself.

30. LOOK INTO HER EYES: While talking to or hugging your wife, look her straight in the eyes while cupping her face in your hand. She may feel shy and try to look away, but don't confuse this in thinking she don't like it. Gently insist she look at you, then slowly lean down and kiss her. (For at least 6 seconds).

31. SACRIFICE FOR HER: Put aside something that you want so that you can give to your wife. Usually, this is what wives do. They'll put aside their own needs to make sure their family gets everything they need first. Make sure your wife is taking good care of herself too.

32. WRITE HER A LOVE POEM: Put your romantic thoughts into a rhyme that your wife will cherish forever! Not a poet? Just write down your feelings the best you can, she'll love it!

33. GIVE HER A MASSAGE: Grab the oil and lotion, then grab your wife! Give her a full body massage and help her relax. (Try to at least get past her shoulders before moving on to "other things)."  

34. PLAY A GAME TOGETHER: Bring out the board games or play a game of tennis. Playing a game together can help keep the two of you close. If she beats you, admit it. Don't say, "Oh, I just let you win."

35. CALL IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE: Don't make your wife worry about you, or let dinner get cold. Take out 5 minutes to phone her if you see you're going to be late.

36. WASH THE DISHES FOR HER: You don't have to clean the whole house, but just doing one chore such as the dishes once in a while, or at least cleaning up after yourself, will help her out a lot.

37. PICK HER FLOWERS OK: you've sent her flowers, but why not pick some wildflowers yourself? Stop the car and pick some by the roadside, then gently tuck one behind your wife's ear and kiss her neck.

38. TAKE HER TO A ROMANTIC PLAY: Skip the movie and head out to a theatrical play. If there's not a good romantic one showing, find one with some good, clean humor.

39. PLAY A KISSING GAME: Lock lips and see who can hold out the longest!

40. GIVE HER A NIGHT OFF: Watch the kids while she heads out to shop for awhile. Throw in a few extra bucks so that she can buy herself something special.

41. DON'T MENTION HER WEIGHT: No matter what size your wife may be, bringing up her weight is definitely a no no.

42. DONT ARGUE OVER FINANCES: If money gets tight, be very careful not to argue or shift blame. Together, and in a business-like fashion, explore ways that you can pay off your debts. If things spin out of control, consider financial counseling. Your marriage is worth more than money.

43. LEAVE LOVE NOTES IN UNEXPECTED PLACES: Try leaving love notes in odd places that she'll be sure to see, such as under windshield wipers, inside the refrigerator, inside a CD case or even on toilet paper! A good example would be to put one on the light switch that says, "You turn me on."

44. BE HONEST NEVER EVER lie to your wife, even if it seems harmless. Trust is one of the most important factors in a marriage - don't break it!

45. RENEW YOUR WEDDING VOWS: Although we know that the first vows are good for life, still, taking your wife to a chapel on your anniversary, or any day, and renewing your vows will let her know that you'd marry her all over again.

46. WORSHIP TOGETHER: Find time to worship and pray with your wife. Our lives our made up of three parts. Body, mind, and spirit. You need to connect in all three ways to really be close.

47. RESPECT HER: Showing respect is another important factor in a marriage. Don't degrade her, yell at her, or misuse her.

48. PROVIDE FOR HER: Do your best to provide for your wife and family. You don't have to buy a castle, just make sure it's nice and comfortable and there's food on the table. If your wife chooses to help out that's OK, but it is your place to provide, so don't expect her to fill that role.

49. TELL HER YOU NEED HER: Let her know that your life just wouldn't be complete if you didn't have her. Tell her that you not only want her in your life, but that you need her.

50. LET HER CRY: Every woman needs a good cry now and then; sometimes she can tell you why, and sometimes she can't. Just make sure you don't get irritated at her or make fun of her. This will just make everything worse. Take her in your arms and hold her until everything is better. This may be the very thing she needed anyway.

51. DON'T TEASE HER TOO MUCH: It's OK to tease now and then, but try to keep it at a minimum. Don't excessively tease her in front of others, and never tease in a degrading fashion.

52. DON'T CORRECT HER IN FRONT OF OTHERS: If you feel that your wife has got a little out of line or has done something that you disapprove of, it's OK to talk it over with her in private, but never jump her in front of others; especially your children. Make sure that even if you're firm, that you're loving.

53. BE FAITHFUL: Always make sure that you're faithful to your wife in every angle. Keep your body, your eyes, and your thoughts only for her. If you are facing any temptation, remove yourself from the source. Be open with your wife about your needs so that she can be the one to fill them.

54. GIVE HER LOTS OF CUDDLE TIME: Wives like to be cuddled and kissed without sex sometimes. Try sitting in front of a campfire or lay under the stars and just take your time.

55. LISTEN: Sometimes wives just need to talk - about anything. Show interest and listen to her when she talks. If she's upset, show concern. If she's happy, laugh with her. Try to pick up on clues that she may be dropping in her conversation to let you know her needs.

56. BE FORGIVING: If your wife should do something that offends you, be quick to forgive. Holding hard feelings can ruin a marriage. Let her know in a heartfelt way how she made you feel, then let it go.

57. BE THE LEADER OF YOUR HOME: Many wives don't want their husbands to be the leader because they dominate. But if you're a good leader, you will also serve. Home leadership is meant to be the husbands role, and if you do it right, it will take an unnecessary load off of your wife. Set reasonable guidelines and goals for your household. Ask your wife for advice too. Sometimes a woman can see things not only in the practical sense, like most men do, but she also uses her heart to even things out.

58. BE CLEAN AND NEAT: Keep yourself groomed, clean, and smelling nice.

59. PROVIDE SECURITY: Let your wife feel secure in your love without worrying if you will still love her from day to day.

60. FIND OUT WHAT HER NEEDS ARE SEXUALLY: Your wife's sexual needs sometimes vary a great deal from yours. Find out how and where she likes to be touched, and what she expects from sex, and try to fill her needs.

61. HELP OUT WHEN SHE DON'T FEEL WELL: If your wife is sick or has just had a bad day, try helping with her household duties and with the kids. Make sure she can get plenty of rest.

62. DON'T COMPARE HER IN A NEGATIVE WAY: Don't say things like, "You gripe just like your Aunt Thelma." Comparison often hurts self esteem.

63. TAKE HER ON WEEKEND TRIPS: Take your wife to a romantic resort for the weekend. If your budget's a little tight, consider checking into a hotel, even if it's local, so the two of you can get away from the familiar and just enjoy each other.

64. BE VERBAL WHEN MAKING LOVE: When making love, describe aloud and in detail each thing that you do and how it makes you feel. This will greatly arouse your wife, as well as let her know that she's meeting your needs.

65. SHOP FOR A GIFT TO SHARE: Go shopping for something that you'll both enjoy together. Get a great CD, massage oils, or anything that you'll both like.

66. ENCOURAGE HER TO FOLLOW HER DREAMS: If your wife has dreams and goals that she would like to accomplish, be her best cheer leader. Support her as she endeavors to reach them.

67. BE KIND AND COURTEOUS: Treat your wife as you would expect her to treat you. Treat her with dignity and be courteous at all times.

68. PASS GAS IN THE BATHROOM: If you must pass gas, go to the bathroom. Don't do it to annoy her, or burp at the table. It's not as funny as you think it is - as a matter of fact, it's not funny at all.

69. FLIRT WITH YOUR WIFE: Don't stop flirting with her just because you're married. Do it now more than ever to keep that spark! Wink at her from across the room, whistle at her, or give her "that look." Watch her cheeks turn rosy.

70. TAKE A JACUZZI BATH TOGETHER: Jacuzzis are one of the world's most romantic inventions! Some use it for stress, some use it for... If you don't have a jacuzzi tub, check into a hotel that has a tub for two, and spend the night.

71. TAKE A WALK: Go for a long walk through a park or take a moonlight stroll. Hold hands while you walk.

72. LOOK OUT FOR THE FUTURE: You plan on being together for life, right? Make sure that your future will be secure. Set up a retirement fund. Also, although no one wants to think about it, we all will die one day. Take out a life insurance policy to make sure that if the worst should happen, your family will be cared for.

73. SET UP A SLIDE SHOW: Pick out special photo memories from the time that you were dating to the present. Create a slide show with music. This is something that you can do together and can help keep you close.

74. DON'T BELITTLE HER OPINIONS: If your wife has an opinion or an idea, thank her, and let her know that her thoughts are valuable. Don't act like her ideas are unintelligent or crazy.

75. CHERISH HER DIFFERENCES: Your wife has a lot different make up than you and it shows in more ways than one. Not only in her body, but the way she thinks, or even the way she receives love are naturally just "different." Cherish these differences and don't try to change her.

76. BE DEVOTED TO HER HAPPINESS: Do what you can to make your wife happy. You don't have to buy her the most expensive things or "spoil" her rotten, (though that's OK too). Usually a little goes a long way for most wives, and just giving a little attention now and then will make her feel loved and appreciated. You will find that if she's happy, she'll respond better to your needs as well.

77. REMINISCE YOUR WEDDING NIGHT: Women like to remember special times. Bring up your wedding night and how it felt to have sex for the first time. Talk about your high school graduations or the day your kids were born.

78. MAKE HER LATE FOR BREAKFAST: Wake her up by kissing her! Not only will this be a pleasant way to wake up, but she just might keep you there through breakfast!

79. MAKE A JOURNAL: Start on her birthday or Christmas and write a love note or something special to your wife everyday for a year. At the end of the year, present it to her as a gift.

80. GIVE HER A NICKNAME: Give her your own special name, like "Beautiful" or "Angel."

81. HAVE YOUR PHOTO MADE WITH HER: Go have a professional, up-to-date photo done of the two of you. Try romantic scenes such as a park or waterfall.

82. GO ON A SECOND HONEYMOON: Remember how special your honeymoon was? Take another one, and try to make it better than the first.

83. START A HOBBY TOGETHER: Find a hobby that you both enjoy, such as horse back riding or tennis. Do it together as often as you can to help stay close.

84. HELP HER UNDRESS: Help your wife with the buttons or snaps. Caress her gently as you help remove her clothing. Do it slowly, piece by piece.

85. SHOW HUMILITY: Don't get a big head and think that you can't be touched with a ten foot pole. You wife wants you to be confident, but don't think that you're the master of all.

86. PROTECT HER: Look after your wife making sure that she's not in any situations where she could be harmed physically or emotionally. This even includes verbal abuse from cantankerous family members. Always be quick to stand up for her in any given situation.

87. BE HER BEST FRIEND: Be there for your wife at all times and in every situation. Let her feel confident enough to share anything with you.

88. BE THE CHEF: Cook up a romantic meal for your wife. Even if you're not a cook, you can find something that you can make. Just follow the box or cookbook directions. Macaroni and cheese can be romantic if it comes from your heart. Just set the table with some candles and turn out the lights. What could be more romantic than eating macaroni and cheese in candlelight with an adoring husband who's tried so hard to please you?

89. GET RID OF IRRITATING HABITS: Do you have a habit that bugs your wife? Try to take the necessary measures to stop it.

90. PLANT A GARDEN TOGETHER: Whether it's a flower garden or a vegetable garden, growing things takes lots of work. Why not do it together? This will cut the work in half, and will be a great way to enjoy each other's company. Then when it's all said and done, enjoy the fruits of your labor by picking and eating the veggies, or decorating the table with the lovely flowers.

91. BUY CINEMA TICKETS: Buy tickets for the cinema for one year. The cost will only come once a year, so if you're a little tight on money at some point, you will always have a place to go that is fun and paid for.

92. DON'T BE A WORKAHOLIC!: (Or any other kind of "holic" for that matter). Make sure there is always time to spend with your wife and family. In a few years, the money won't matter anyway, and you just have one chance at life. Make the most of it with the ones you love; don't live with regrets.

93. SLOW DANCE IN YOUR BEDROOM: Turn on some romantic music, hold your wife close, and slow dance right in your own bedroom. Suggest lighting candles and dancing in the nude.

94. MAKE A LIST OF LOVE: Make a list of every reason that you can think of that you love your wife and post it on the refrigerator.

95. SPEAK IN YOUR OWN CODE: Create a secret code word for something that only the two of you know, and say it openly in public! It's like having your own secret language!

96. NIBBLE: Pull your wife close and nibble her ear or lips. This will give her cold chills!

97. GRAB A KISS WHILE WAITING: If you're at a stop light or in a long line at the drivethrough, pull your wife close and grab a kiss. (Remember, at least six seconds, although you may want to go longer)!

98. TELL THE WORLD HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HER: Put a bumper sticker on your vehicle that says, "I Love My Wife," or put up a sign in your yard that says, "The Prettiest Lady In the World Lives Here."

99. JUST SAY THE WORDS: Tell your wife everyday, several times a day, that you love her.


  1. Wooow, all this info for free? Dz ain't fair on my aunty o!
    But wht else can I say than thank you!!!

    *drinks fura da nono*


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