Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We Have A New Name... www.auntmuna.blogspot.com...

Hey People, we have moved to a new blog. It's the same concept but bigger and better everything. Hope to see you there... It's www.auntmuna.blogspot.com  Join me....

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Dear Aunty Muna,

I was dating a divorcee who is 44 years old. After his divorce he wasn't in any relationship for 4 years. Things were OK at first, but I noticed he was quick tempered. He threw cups, plates or bottles against the wall, smashed the TV set or punched the door and injured himself when he was angry. I was never allowed to so much as look at another guy or he’d accuse me of flirting with the man. We both work but when I collect my salary, I give him everything and I have to be begging colleagues for transport fare. He had accommodation issues so he moved in with me. I have a car but he uses it and I am not permitted to drive my car. The stress was just too much.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Are you a husband and wondering how to make your wife happy this long Easter holiday? Don't worry, Ive got your back. Just go and buy WATERMELON....Watermelon is a fun and cool snack to enjoy at any time of the day. Watermelon may be one of the latest foods to add to the **aphrodisiac list in addition to being one of the healthiest foods to consume. Watermelon has the ability to trigger a sexual response that can increase the male libido by relaxing blood vessels. So Skip the burgers, nkwobis, suyas, soda and beer and eat plenty of WATERMELON instead. Yes... WATERMELON.

Who Determines The Sex of Your Children?

​The Question:

Dear Aunty Muna, Why is my wife always having girl kids? I love them though but I want to experience having a son. Now she is putting all the blame on me. Presently I have 4 girls and I honestly thought I would have only three kids. My wife is pestering me to try again but i am scared of having another baby girl. Please what could be the problem and is there any help we can get? Is it truly my fault? Please reply.

Worried Man.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014



The Egyptians ate cabbage with vinegar before a night of drinking to prevent hangovers. Cabbage is still today considered one of the best remedies to cure hangovers! The Romans also ate cabbage to cure every imaginable ailment under the sun! They ate it raw with vinegar before and after each meal.


Erectile Dysfunction Treatment & Natural Herbal Remedies
Erectile dysfunction or malfunction involves the improper functioning of male reproductive organ as a result of which the male organ or penis is unable to secure erection during the performance of sexual act. Erection which is enabled by a spurt of blood flow into the penis is the combined interplay of hormonal and neurological stimulations. Owing to hormonal insufficiency, deficiency of potassium, diabetes, cardiac ailments and psychological factors; erectile dysfunction may occur. Erectile dysfunction leading to male impotency may well develop as side effect of drugs such as anti depressants.

Monday, April 14, 2014

R.I.P To All Who Lost Their Lives In The Abuja Attack This Morning.... We Weep.

Hello beautiful people. I believe and I'm also glad that you all are safe.... I'm honestly so grateful to God for you. I woke up this morning to hear the sad news of the bomb blast in Nyanya, Abuja. I thought it was a minor issue but when I called my kid brother, he told me it was serious. I panicked and started calling all the people I know in Abuja and to the glory of God they are all fine. I give God all the glory. It is just sad that some people don't have the fear of God in them anymore. This act is inhuman and ungodly abeg. How can killing a fellow human being make you happy? How can cutting short the lives of innocent people mean victory? Why all the bitterness? Haba!!! This hate must stop but it wouldn't stop when politicians promise us, It wouldnt stop when our police promise us. It wouldnt stop when our rich, money bags say so... This hate, this bitterness, this pain will stop when each one of us says so!!!!!!