Monday, March 31, 2014


 I do not believe there is a more beautiful woman than my very self in this whole world (lol... Rolling My Eyes) and with this attitude there is nothing impossible for me to do because I have confidence in my big self.

I've heard ladies say they hate themselves because the are either short, fat, too thin and some even say they are ugly and shapeless. Some even say that they want to break up with their men because they feel he is too handsome for them. Wow. This really beats me. There are women I have seen who could be classified as ugly but they are happily married and their husbands love and cherish them with all their hearts.
So, when I see such people, I just say to myself that there is no ugly woman. One thing my mother taught me as a child was self confidence and being positive. How you view yourself can make or break you. If you want success, watch out for these 16 things never to say about yourself.

1. I'm ugly and shapeless

Are you truly ugly? I doubt. This a low self-esteem at it peak. As far as I'm concern there is no such thing as "UGLY". You need to think useful and positive things about yourself before anyone else ok? God created us in his image and likeness which means that since God is beautiful, we are all beautiful. You need to change ur mindset and orientation because we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. Bible tells me so. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The way you present yourself is the way people will see and relate with you.

​2. “I wish I didn’t have such bad luck.”

The more opportunities you pursue, the better your “luck” will get. If you want something, go get it. Success comes from hustle (not chance).

3. “It’s too late for me, so why bother?”

It is never too late to change your life. Even the most damaged of us can rise from the ashes to take control of our life. See your age as an asset (not a liability). With years comes experience, and with experience comes knowledge. I've seen a 50 years old woman get married for the first time in her life. She is still happily married.

4. “But what will they think about me?”

Getting caught up in what everybody else thinks about you is a sure-fire way to multiply your stress levels. Never sacrifice your true personality in an attempt to impress others. If a friend is worth having, they will appreciate you for who you are, not who they think you should be.

5. “Why am I so stupid.”

No one has all the answers, so ease up on yourself. We all have our own unique skill sets. Being bad at one thing doesn’t make you stupid. Instead of agonizing over your weaknesses, focus on developing your strengths and then use them as much as possible! The more you can do what you’re good at, the more confident you will become in yourself.

6. “No one will ever love me.”

How could you possibly know that? Answer: you couldn’t. And if you’re staying at home thinking about how no one loves you (instead of putting yourself out there so you could meet a potential new partner), you’re just making a bad situation worse. Mr. or Ms. Right won’t find you if you’re holed-up in your PJs. If you want to be found, act like it.

7. “I can’t do it.”

Don’t admit defeat before the race even starts. If it helps, think about the three biggest things you’ve achieved in your life. That could be graduating college, getting a promotion, starting a blog, getting married, or whatever.

Got your three things? Now ask yourself, “What strengths did I use to achieve this specific thing?” for each item. Write down your answers.

Notice any trends? If so, the road to success is right in front of you.

8. “I don’t think he/she likes me because they didn’t answer my text/call/e-mail.”

Jumping to conclusions like this displays a self-centered worldview. And besides, wouldn’t it be more likely that your friend/partner got tied up with class, work, business etc? People have things to do, so don’t assume it’s all about you.

9. “Life isn’t fair. If only things were better. God hates me...”

No, life isn’t fair (and I hate to break it to you, but it never will be). There will always be good and bad things happening in your life at any given moment. This is beyond your control, so let it go. But whether you focus on the good or bad part is entirely up to you. You’re welcome to stress out about negative things you can’t control, but do know that won’t make a difference or make you feel any better (quite the opposite). Keep your eye on the positive, because no matter how it looks right now, you’re doing better than you think. And for the records, that you are alive today means that God is seriously in love with you.

10. “I hate my body.”

Please don’t say that. Whether you’re curvy, skinny, or muscular is irrelevant. Your body is a glorious vessel that carries you everywhere you go in this world. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Getting caught up in what you see as imperfections is a waste of your precious time and energy. Don’t look for physical traits you dislike, but focus on the things about yourself that you find cute, handsome, or attractive. If you want to feel better about your (incredibly good-looking) body today, look at your mirror again.

11. “I’m so embarrassed I wish I could disappear.”

I bet everybody reading this has spilled food on their shirt, dropped (and broke) a dish, slipped and fell flat, tripped over a random object, and/or walked face-first into a wall (I can’t be the only one). If you have a goof in public and feel your cheeks flush, take a deep breath and tell yourself, “This isn’t a big deal.” For bonus points, make a quick lighthearted joke at your own expense to show you don’t take things too seriously.

12. “I’m out of his/her league.”

There isn’t such a thing as a “league” for you to be in or out of, so stop with the negative self-talk. If you’re attracted to a person, say so.

13. “I can’t believe he/she got picked over me.”

Jealousy is a destructive emotion that does lots of harm and no good. If a co-worker got a promotion you hoped for, be a good sport about it. They probably deserve the position just as much as you do (and even if they don’t, it’s no reason to be hostile it’s certainly not their fault you didn’t get picked). When rejected, your best bet is to transfer your negative feelings into positive action. Think you should have got the gig? Don’t gossip about it prove it. So next time you didn't get toasted by that handsome man who preferred your friend, keep smiling, chill and wait for your man, he could be 2 steps away.

14. “It’s too hard.”

You know what’s really hard?

Running a marathon while pushing your son in a wheel-chair (at age 72).

Swimming 110 miles (53 hours) across the ocean.

Walking from Lagos to Onitsha on a hot afternoon...

Yeah…you don’t get to say anything is “too hard.”

If you can believe it, you can achieve it.

15. “I can’t trust anyone, I’ve been hurt too much.”

Funny thing about trust: the less you trust other people, the less they tend to trust you. Are all people worthy of your trust? Certainly not, but that’s no reason to be paranoid. Just because a past partner or two (or several) proved untrustworthy doesn’t mean everyone is out to get you, it just means you haven’t found the right person yet.

16. “I might as well give up.”

Life is like a video-game. No matter how many times you lose, you can push “Continue” as many times as you need to. You don’t lose until you quit, so don’t quit.

If you have any other things not to say about yourself that would be a great addition to this list, please leave it in the comments below.

Are you aware just how much impact the words you use on a daily basis have on your mood and your life in general? So next time instead of asking God why things are the way they are, just open your beautiful mouth and say Thank You God.


  1. Well I love me jes d way I am. Not too tall and not too short, not too slim and not too fat, not rich and far 4rm poor. #Flawlesss
    "If we don't feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we'd be happy with more"
    Jes wanna take dz time out 2 say thank u Lord 4 all u've been been doing in my life. BABA OSHE


    *drinks fura da nono*

    1. EESAH honey, self love is the best kind of love ooo... Thanking God for you too darling... Mmmuah

  2. I love this. Edo girl: Ruthie

  3. Ruthie darling, the biggest hugs to you sweetie. Much love.


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