Sunday, April 13, 2014

Guys, What's The correct way to Perform Oral Sex on Wifey?

That Special "V" kiss.

Hi guys, we are going to be talking a bit dirty now. Pardon me. These I issues I encounter daily and I think sharing the little  knowledge I have researched would go a long way in helping some people. Some of my clients cry out that their husbands demand oral sex while they refuse to give it back. Others have said that when their husbands start with the oral sex thing that they end up either bruised or left with so much pain and spit splattered all over their body and the sheets. For some, it's an annoying and libido killing experience while others feel it is just too disgusting an experience and for some others, it's a great experience. We're talking about oral sex! Everyone has a different story and interest in oral sex - giving AND receiving. Here, we'll explore that elusive technique of giving your woman the big "Oral O".

First Of All, Is She An "Oral Enthusiast"?

Before you go south, you better know if she's even interested in oral sex. Many women just don't enjoy it, while others crave it. How do you know if your woman is an "oral enthusiast"? Simple, Just Ask!

But... You don't have to just jump in the middle of a conversation one night over dinner and say, "Hey wifey - do you like having your V eaten?" You might want to save it for the right time and place - like on a dinner date when the subject turns to sex. Now, you can ask her, "Honey, since we are married now, I want to be able to satisfy you. Please tell me what things do you enjoy when you're making love?" Then, keep quiet and listen. If she doesn't specifically mention oral sex, you can then ask her. Be sure to pay attention to everything as she's giving you valuable clues on how to satisfy her!

Good Oral Technique

Being a good "oralist" doesn't come naturally to anyone. It is a skill much like driving a car, but without all the honking and "flashing your headlamps" (even though we can't judge your PARTICULAR situation!)

Being a great oral lover is a skill you should have in your bag of tricks. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1) Start slow! - Don't just jump in and start licking her like an ice cream cone! If you do, she's going to stop you and likely prevent you from ever doing it again! Why? Because a woman's sex organ is covered by layers of skin which helps make it much more sensitive than your little fireman. Furthermore, she has the same number of nerve endings as you her husband but all concentrated in that little button - her clit.

2) Work "The Numbers" - Many men really like having oral sex performed on them and are ready go without much (or any) build-up. A woman can just take a man in her mouth and get going.

Women are generally not like this. They need some stimulation before they are ready for oral sex. You create this build- up by using a trick I call "By The Numbers". Here's how this works. You start by imaging numbers for her body parts:

    1. Face and lips

    2. Shoulders and neck

    3. Breasts

    4. Stomach and sides particularly the area between her navel and pubic area.

    5. Thighs

    6. Outer vaginal area and then finally;

    7. Clitoris and vaginal opening

Start on 1, and move up AND DOWN the numbers. Don't jump ahead in the numbers, but you can jump between lower numbers if you want. For example, from 1, move to 2, and then to 3, then back to 2 again, then to 3, then to 4, then go back to 3 and then to 1.

This provides a good build-up for her and it shows her that you know what you're doing - you are a conscientious lover, not just someone wanting to jump right in and get right off!

3) Getting to the "Goods" - Once you finally reach her V, spend some time licking all over, gently. Don't go right in for the clitoris! Just like your cock, her clit is full of nerve endings. However, unlike your cock, it hasn't been rubbed numb over the years from cotton underwear! The clitoris is found inside a flap of skin (called "the hood"). This skin prevents it from getting outside stimulation, except for ladies with really large clitoris that stick their head out.

Add to this the fact that her clitoris contains as many nerves as your entire penis but only in about 1/100 the space and you begin to get some idea of how sensitive this little button is. If you just go right down and grab that little bud in your teeth, she's going to scream in pain, followed immediately by her departure and your disappointment and frustration!

Spend some time licking around the outside and inside of her pussy. When you finally reach her clit, watch her reaction carefully. If she jumps, she's not ready. Go back to other less-sensitive areas for a few moments. Please be careful to keep your TEETH out of the way (unless she specifically asks for this!) How'd you like her to bite your "little fireman"? Ok, some guys like this, but few women feel the same way.

You also want to include your lips in all of this. Kissing around her pussy helps her to relax and begin to focus. A combination of kissing and gentle licking will get things started nicely.

As her focus grows, (listen to her for clues), you want to begin moving in slowing by licking around the outside of her V first. Shortly, you can work your tongue around the lips and slightly inside. If you don't know the female anatomy well, be sure to review it.

4) Getting her Attention - Pay particular attention to the lips (internal and external) of her V as well as the opening. Slowly work your way up to and around her clitoris, but be careful not to start licking it yet unless she asks. She may prefer that you spend time licking around it rather than directly on it. You'll want to establish a pattern that seems to work for her. Have her tell you if you're not sure, but pay attention to her reactions as you change up.

Your tongue is a muscle and therefore can be strengthened. You will gain endurance by practicing regularly. You'll also gain other great skills like learning to "flick" it up and down and/or back and forth very quickly. This creates a vibrating effect for most women and many find it enjoyable, but again never suck it with much force or pressure unless she asks for it.

At first, spend some time working around the entire pussy area, but eventually you want to begin focusing on the clitoris. Even after you start spending some time here, you should move around a little, but eventually come back to this little button - it's the seat of her pleasure.

If she enjoys it, you can even stick one or more fingers inside of her while you continue to use your tongue, but again, base this on how she feels or enjoys it. Every woman is different.

Continue to pay attention as you move more closely to her clitoris with your tongue. If she enjoys the direct stimulation, slowly go in more directly. You might find that after a while your tongue gets tired and you're not able to provide a strong sensation for her. Not to worry! You can try this little trick: put your tongue flat down on the inside of your lower-lip and use it to help you add pressure! Gently keep asking to know what she enjoys most. Don't be discouraged. COnce she's reacting well, keep doing what you are doing. Don't stop mid way as she will soon get to her destination. Stopping at this point means you have to start afresh so hang in there and do what she enjoys most till she explodes...

5) Be Sensitive to her "Sensitivity" - Most women's clitoris gets overly sensitive just as she is approaching climax, (for a few, this doesn't happen however). You want to be aware of this, because if you continue to perform while she is coming you're going to cause her excruciating pain, and probably stop her in mid-climax! Have her help you by letting you know when she is getting close. She can signal you by pushing you away at the right moment. As you continue to practice, you'll soon learn just where her limit is.

Now. Don't be disappointed if she doesn't respond after a few minutes. Many women are used to more stimulation (usually indirect). Pay close attention to her. If she seems to be enjoying it, stick with it. If not you should know when to cut your losses - if it's not working for her, move on!

Finally, many women "learn" to climax from oral stimulation. If she enjoys what you're doing, there is no need to stop. Also remember, the tongue is a muscle, just like your biceps or quads. They respond to exercise. When you first start practicing, you're going to tire quickly. As you continue to "work out" your stamina will grow.

6) This is a Good Way to Start the "Multi-O" - That is, many women learn to climax easily from oral sex, and this just sets off a string of multiple orgasms. Once you enter her, she may just start another string of them! Further, if you're got a "quick trigger" and can't last very long, she will have already had her pleasure and be very happy to give you yours.

When In The Mood, Can I Convince Her To Enjoy Oral If She Doesn't?

Yes, you probably can, but a better question is, should you? Many women who don't start enjoying oral sex come to love it with good technique. If you take your time and she becomes an oral enthusiast, great. If not, find something else that she enjoys. Be creative and "mix it up." Don't think you can just push the right button and have things go "orgasm"!

Ladies You Have To Help Your Husbands!

If your man isn't giving you want you want (oral or any other type of sex), it's your responsibility to help him along. Don't assume he knows exactly what you want - he probably doesn't. Further, if you don't let him know specifically what you want (no joking), don't be disappointed if you don't get it!

I hope this helps some brothers and sister out there. One Love and God bless your marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, our Aunt going all out on dz one. Jes an additional knowledge to my repertoire.
    Even tho most nigerian men esp d older generation aren't open 2 cunnilingus. It's a pity dt many nigerian women would never enjoy d pleasure dt comes from dz.
    *shaking my head*

    *drinks fura da nono


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