The Question:
Dear Aunty Muna, Why is my wife always having girl kids? I love them though but I want to experience having a son. Now she is putting all the blame on me. Presently I have 4 girls and I honestly thought I would have only three kids. My wife is pestering me to try again but i am scared of having another baby girl. Please what could be the problem and is there any help we can get? Is it truly my fault? Please reply.
Worried Man.
The Response:
Dear Worried. Man,
The sex of a baby is determined by the composition of its sex chromosomes (a single distinct pair among humans' 23 pairs of chromosomes). Females possess two copies of the same chromosome (referred to as the 'X' chromosome); whole the males have one copy of the X chromosome and one copy of the smaller, hook-shaped Y chromosome.
When fertilization occurs, the new gamete (the initial cell from which a fetus grows) always inherits one of the mother's X chromosomes, and either a X or a Y from the father, depending on which chromosome the fertilizing sperm cell happened to inherit. One could say, then, that the father—or, at least, his sperm—determines the sex of the child. On the other hand, the first sperm to reach the egg isn't necessarily the one that fertilizes it; human eggs are rather choosy about that sort of thing. So, in an indirect way, the maternal parent also has some influence on the sex of the child but basically, men are the sole parties responsible for passing on the genetic codes to determine if a child is male or female. It is a simple fact of biology: the Xx combination of sperm and egg create a female; the Xy are male. All eggs are X. Sperm can be either X or Y. So your wife is right in a way because determining the child's sex is really up to you. Now I'm going to explain this in very simplistic terms the ways you can actually turn the odds in favor of your choice of girls or boys.
Now remember - conception takes place in the fallopian tube with the first sperm to reach and penetrate the surface of the egg. Thus conception is the result of a race amongst millions of little swimming sperm to reach the single available egg. (A small percentage women ovulate on both sides simultaneously and have a higher propensity to create fraternal twins).
There are two kinds of sperm: the androsperm or male-genetic-code-carrying version and the genosperm or female. For simplicity let's call the boys Andys and the girls Gennys. Determining the sex of your child has to do with taking advantage of the unique characteristics of each. Here are those we can easily manipulate:
Andys are smaller and swim faster. But like the hare versus the turtle, Andys don't swim as far and don't last very long. Consider them the sprinters.
The Gennys are larger and slower. They can last up to 36 hours in some vaginal environments. Call them the long-distance runners.
Men tend to increase the ratio of Andys to Gennys in the "load" when there has been an extended period of abstinence. This has been shown over the years where the first generation of children after men have been away at war have a higher portion of males than the long-term average. Also certain cultures who only engage in sexual intercourse once a month at the expected time of fertility have very high proportions of males (60+ percent),
Gennys favor more acidic environments while Andys like basic environments.
What to do? There are five things to remember when looking for an Andy:
Penetration - The closer the point at which the "load" (the ejaculate) is delivered to the egg the more likely a sprinter (an Andy) will win the race. So guys, to make boys, stick it all the way in when you reach climax.
Timing - If the load is delivered before the egg is available the Andys will die off and the Gennys will be there waiting. Ovulation usually takes place around the 14th day of the cycle (measured by as day one being the start of the menstrual period). Intercourse on the 12th or 13th day will favor Gennys because there will be no egg to fertilize for a day or two. To make Andys, make an appointment on the 14th day. If you really want to be specific get a thermometer and wait until her temperature rises slightly.
Viscocity - Vaginal liquids are relatively thick and present an impediment to the Gennys. Andys swim right through these thick liquids. To make boys, make her real happy (several times) prior to delivering the load. Even you "jack-rabbit" 60-second climaxers can make boys if you properly prepare your woman's love canal with some oral or other stimulation. So take your time. (If you must cheat use a little sterile lubricant.)
Abstinence - If you do it every day you'll probably make a girl as the "Andy/Genny" ratio in the ejaculate will decline. So save it up a little if you want a boy.
Acid/base - To make girls use the acid-containing douches (vinegar). For boys use baking soda.
If you follow these steps, you will have an 85% chance of getting what you want Andys' or Gennys'... One love and God bless.