Saturday, March 29, 2014

4 Things Real Men Desire In A Woman

If you want to become the kind of woman that drives men crazy, make sure you have these 4 traits.

I've always said that there's no one woman that all men desire. A woman one man falls head over heels in love with, will probably turn another man off. That said, there are some common traits and characteristics most men desire in a woman. In fact, I'll rephrase that. There are several traits real men desire in a woman.

First, let's just be clear on the difference between real men and "man-babies." A real man will return your calls and texts. He's emotionally mature. He's not afraid to talk about his feelings, and he doesn't panic when you talk about commitment.

He's a man who doesn't play games, and doesn't expect you to play them either. He's the man that will hold your hand, and cuddle with you on the couch without pushing himself on you, because he's in control of himself sexually. He's the kind of man most of my women readers talk about wanting to meet. So, what are the common traits the real man wants in a woman?

Let me reveal all. There are so many others, but these are the big 4:

1. He wants you to be playful. Dating should be fun, and men want to have a relationship with someone they can have a laugh with. Nothing turns men off quicker than a drama queen. There's nothing worse than a woman who thrives on some kind of drama or crisis in her life. Real men want women to connect with them on a playful level. Remember in many ways, men are like big dogs. They love to play, and they love to embrace their inner child. So don't take yourself too seriously, and be open to the fun life has to offer. It's all around you. You just need to let yourself go.

2. He wants you to have emotional maturity. Sometimes in life things don't go right, and in every relationship, there are going to be bumps. A real man looks for a woman who doesn't turn into an emotional wreck the second there's a problem. My husband can't stand seeing a woman throw a temper tantrum in the middle of an argument, and neither can most other men. It throws up a huge relationship red flag for them.They want to know that if there's anything that needs to be discussed, they can sit down we with you calmly and quietly and talk things through, without worrying whether you're going to throw a vase on their heads!

3. He wants an independent woman. Don't be fooled by the myth that men don't like modern women who have strength and power. Obviously, they don't want a woman that's going to bust their balls or treat them like children, but they like knowing they're in control of their own life. They like knowing you have your own friends, and that they don't have to take control of every tiny detail of the relationship. Just don't make the mistake some women make, of not letting the man have the lead at all. Men like to feel needed and wanted. Let them fix things at home now and then. They love to play the knight in shining armor sometimes.

4. He wants sexual confidence. Men want to know you're sexually alive. They want to feel like you have your sexual energy turned on, and that you have plenty of sexual confidence. Don't get me wrong, you don't need to be a nymphomaniac, but don't be afraid to let loose and have fun in the bedroom with your husband. If you're enjoying yourself, let your man know. Scream, shout, and call his name if he's doing something you like. Men love affirmation.

So there you have it...4 traits that men desire in a woman. Remember, all men are different and no one woman is ever going to be right for every man out there, but make these 4 traits part of your life, and you’ll rarely be without an eager, loving man by your side!

1 comment:

  1. correct itsekiri babeMarch 29, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    Spot on for the first 3 but d last one dunno oh! Welldone ma'am


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